On-Demand Webinar

Cyber crisis drill: Reduce risk and improve resilience

Plant operators understand how disastrous severe weather events can be. Cyberattacks have equal potential to disrupt power generation and grid reliability, yet few utilities and OEMs run crisis drills of cyber incidents.

Our cybersecurity experts joined an American utility’s cyber crisis drill (along with CISA) and experienced how valuable the process can be to cyber preparedness. They adapted the concept to conduct a vendor (OEM) crisis drill to test GE Vernova’s process, tools, and technology. Insights gained from our cyber crisis drill will support operators and strengthen cybersecurity should a real crisis impact our fleet.

In this session, you will:

  • LEARN how GE Vernova views cyber crisis planning, and why our experts believe cybersecurity crisis planning and preparation are essential for excellent custodianship of power plants technology.
  • EXPLORE advanced insights of experts on how crisis drills help reduce risk and enable resilient response, which can reduce losses related to a cyber security incident.
  • DISCOVER why cybersecurity crisis planning—especially eye-opening cyber crisis drills—can help elevate quality, reduce risk, and enhance reliability across the power generation industry.

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 Jeremy McKeown

Jeremy McKeown

M&D Cyber Security Principal Engineer,
GE Vernova
Jack Shoffstall

Jack Shoffstall

Americas Cyber Security Sales Leader, Control Solutions & Services,
GE Vernova
Colin Sullivan

Colin Sullivan

Staff Cyber Security Architect,
GE Vernova